Writing Tips

that really work

Before You Begin A Novel image
Before you begin a novel, or write my essay there are several things you should think about. First, is the subject large enough and interesting enough to hold your attention for three to 12 months? Is there space for a cast of characters that are fun to read and write about? If you get bored with the story part of the way through, either you won’t finish it or your boredom will reveal itself in the story and no one will want to read it. Both are bad and very sad scenarios.

Does the plot have nuances and tell the story in a different way than has been done before? Does it deal with either a large event or large ideas? A good novel needs a strong conflict that can be played out in many small crises that build up to the climax and resolution. If your story can be resolved in one or two scenes or the conflict is not life changing for the main character, then it’s probably not a good foundation for a novel.

You also need to consider if this is the right type of book for you. Sometimes writers choose a subject or genre because they think it will be easy to write about or will sell well. But if you are not passionate and knowledgeable about what you are writing, this will be apparent to editors and readers. The best guide to follow is to write what you read. If you read romance, then you should write romance. You will know the conventions of the style, what has already been done, what works and doesn’t work. Chances are since you spend hours reading it, you will enjoy the hours you will have to put into writing it.

Lastly, you need to figure out if the genre you want to write is currently selling. This question only matters if you are invested in publishing your book. If your main goal is to write something beautiful and publishing is secondary, then disregard this rule. However, if publishing a book is your primary goal, then it is important to give some thought to this question. Agents and publishers think in terms of genre and books that don’t comfortably fit into an existing genre are unlikely to be published. To figure out what is currently being bought, go to a large bookstore and look in the new book section for the type of genre you are writing. If you are writing mystery novels, it would be good to know that the P.I. novels you grew up reading are no longer published and mysteries are now longer and more sophisticated. If you can write the type of fiction that is currently being published in a skilled and original way, your novels chances of making it to a bookshelf are dramatically higher.

Useful Resources:
Creating a Grabbing Beginning
Expository Writing Rules
Using Comparison Mode to Enliven Your Writing
How to Become a More Effective Writer
Want to Write a Book? You'd Better Start Now